Quercus muehlenbergii Chinquapin oak
from $10.00
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Rosa arkansana Prairie rose
from $6.00
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Salicaceae populus Tulip poplar
from $10.00
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Acer saccharinum Silver maple
from $10.00
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Acer nigrum Black maple
from $10.00
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Aronia melanocarpa Black chokeberry
from $10.00
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Betula nigra River birch
from $10.00
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Celtis occidentalis Hackberry
from $10.00
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Cornus alternifolia Pagoda dogwood
from $10.00
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Cornus sericea Red twig dogwood
from $10.00
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Diospyros virginiana Persimon
from $10.00
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Juglans negra Black walnut
from $10.00
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Lindera benzoin Spice bush
from $10.00
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Malus coronaria Crabapple
from $10.00
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Prunus americanus Wild plum
from $10.00
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Prunus serotina Black cherry
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Prunus avium Wild yellow cherry
from $10.00
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Quercus macrocarpa Burr oak
from $10.00
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Quercus rubra Red oak
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Quercus palustris Pin oak
from $10.00
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Rosa gallica Apothecary’s rose
from $10.00
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Sambucus nigra Black elderberry
from $10.00
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Sassafras albidum Sassafrass
from $10.00
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Salix nigra Black willow
from $10.00
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Taxodium distichum Bald cypress
from $10.00
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Viburnum lento Nanny berry
from $10.00
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Magnolia stellata Star magnolia
from $10.00
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Hamamelis Virginian Witch-hazel
from $10.00
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Cercis canadensis Redbud
from $10.00
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Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush
from $10.00
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Amelanchier arborea Serviceberry
from $10.00
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Asimina triloba Paw paw
from $10.00
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Ilex verticillata Winterberry
from $10.00
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Prairie Pots

Many native plants will grow well in pots. You may not have room for a pocket prairie or a prairie in your yard, but most people have room for pots. Pick a spot in the sun and let us help you assemble a mini prairie in a pot. Choose plants with similar growing conditions and try it. The bigger the pot, the better. Pick a grass or sedge and at least 2-4 other natives.